Dietes ‘White Tiger’

From $13.90

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Dietes ‘White Tiger’ is the ultimate landscape solution. It offers outstanding ornamental foliage year round in a striking green and cream variegation. Thriving in those hard to plant hot and dry spots in the garden, it is the perfect choice for gravel style gardens and challenging to plant arid zones.

White iris-like flowers with yellow throat markings dance above the silver-edged leaves all summer with additional spot flowering year-round. The compact, clump-forming habit of ‘White Tiger’ makes it perfect for edging and low maintenance mass planting. An easy to grow selection with minimal maintenance. Frost and drought hardy once established.


Water this variety once when you plant it, then forget it. Dietes ‘White Tiger’ thrives in hot, dry conditions. Plant in most soil types that are well draining. Pruning is not required because the new flowers form on the old flower stems. Removal of older foliage to tidy the aesthetic appeal is all that’s required.


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