Callistemon ‘Red Alert’ ‘KPS38’ Bottlebrush


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Red Alert™ Callistemon is a unique bottlebrush with vivid new red growth for two months in autumn and two months in spring, with lighter new red growth for even more months. Use for hedging or as a specimen shrub.

It’s a native alternative to Photinia that requires less pruning, is very drought and frost tolerant, thrives in windy situations and suits most soil.

Size: 2-2.4m high x 1.5-2m wide unpruned; 500mm-2m high x 400mm-1.5m wide pruned.


Full sun to part shade. Suits most soil types. Tolerates frost and drought.

Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established. Plant in a well mulched garden (chunky mulch is recommended). If required use slow release fertiliser in spring.

Prune to shape 1-3 times a year after red new growth (this depends on your requirements, more frequent pruning will provide a tidier hedge/shape).

Pot Size