Dianthus ‘Candy Floss’

From $12.90

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An outstanding garden performer, Candy Floss is a cut above the pack with sugar-pink ruffled flowers with flashes of darker pink at the base of the heavily perfumed petals. But don’t be deceived by the delicate flowers, this is a sun hardy and tough plant suited to the hot Australian summer sun. With low-growing compact and dense foliage, it makes a neat ground cover that acts as a living mulch, cooling the soil and helping to keep weeds at bay.


Low water requirements, and is quite dry tolerant once established. Will benefit from an occasional soak during periods of extended heat. This low maintenance, easy to grow variety requires no special care. Pruning is generally not required, although removing spent flower heads will encourage further blooms. For optimum performance, apply a slow release fertiliser during early spring according to manufacturers directions.



Information and images courtesy of Plants Management Australia www.pma.com.au

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