Hemerocallis ‘Stella Bella’

From $12.90

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Foliage is strap-like and, unlike many other varieties in the family, is evergreen. ‘Stella Bella is not only tough, low maintenance, colourful, but is well suited to a wide range of uses and as such is a truly rewarding plant for the novice and experienced gardener alike!


This very tough plant, ‘Stella Bella’ can tolerate a wide range of conditions, although planting in a moist soil that is well drained will provide you with optimum performance and maximise flowering. Choose a full sun location as shade will diminish flower production. Frost hardy and drought tolerant, an occasional deep waterings during extended dry periods is recommended. No pruning is required although removing spent flowers will encourage further flushes. If the plant begins to look untidy, simply cut back to ground level after flowering and allow for the plant to regenerate with new foliage.



Information and images courtesy of Plants Management Australia www.pma.com.au

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