Lavandula ‘Plumberry Ruffles’

From $12.90

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The Lavender Ruffles Collection was purpose bred in Australia to suit Australian conditions. With their prolific flowering, stunning range of colours and large wing presentation, they quickly won favour with Australian gardeners and have been popular across the country for many years. Members of the Ruffles Collection also have the added benefit of a compact, mounded habit and improved disease resistance. The collection was ultimately named after the unique ‘ruffled’ edges of its flower ‘wings’.


Plant any of the Ruffles Collection in full sun in a well-drained soil, and apply a general purpose slow release fertiliser after flowering. When pruning any of the varieties in the Lavender Ruffles Collection, never cut right back to bare woody stems (where there is no foliage). Regular light tip pruning after flowering will encourage a dense bushy habit and new flower growth for the following season.



Information and images courtesy of Plants Management Australia

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