Nyalla®Lomandra longifolia ‘LM400’

From $4.90

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Nyalla® Lomandra has evergreen fine leaf foliage that looks like a grass tree, but it’s trunkless, faster growing and doesn’t need annual trimming. It is coastal tolerant, versatile and low maintenance. Works well mass planted and specimen planting. 

 Nyalla® Lomandra has good erosion control and strengthens the soil 328% (2007 Paananen, Layt;Study).

Planting Density: 2-5 plants per m², 1-2 plants per linear metre.


Plant in full sun to moderate shade. Tolerates drought and cold. Suits sandy, sandy loam to clay soils. Great for coastal landscapes.

Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established. Plant in a well mulched garden (chunky mulch is recommended). Ensure crown or base of plant is not below soil or mulch level. If required use slow release fertiliser in spring.

Nyalla® Lomandra should be cut back 30cm above the ground every 3-10 years if required (will look better with pruning every 3 years, this depends on your requirements).

If required use slow release fertiliser in spring. Cut back to 20cm or half the height if required after 7 years.

Pot Size
