Sweet Privacy™ Murraya paniculata ‘MP01’ PBR

From $12.90

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Sweet Privacy™ Murraya needs less pruning than the common form.

Makes a good fence or head high screen with the added benefit of sweet smelling, beautiful white flowers in spring, late summer and early autumn.

Size: 1.8-2.5m high x 1.5m wide.

Planting Density: 1 plant per m², 1-2 plants per linear metre.

Uses: Screening, hedging or as a specimen shrub.

Position: Full sun to part shade. Works with most soil types.

Care: Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established. Plant in a well mulched garden (chunky mulch is recommended). 

Fertilise yearly with slow-release fertiliser. Prune twice per year, or three times a year for very tight hedging.

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