Flowers vs Foliage
Creating a Garden Bed With Year Round Interest
Flowers, they are truly spectacular. The stunning display of colour, teamed with their delicate structure. Mother Nature is for sure the best artist!

However, if you are about to embark on a new garden bed, then think carefully. If its year round interest you are chasing, then best not to get fixated on the flower.
This is easier said than done considering every time you walk into a garden centre you are greeted by beaming bunches of flowering plants. These plants are looking so hot right now, making them too irresistible to walk past. But, what you’re not seeing is what the plant looks like once the flowering period is over.

Although some flowering plants can have long blooming periods, others can flower for as little as 2 weeks out of the year. Once this period is over, you can be left with some rather unsightly foliage.

Not sure what to plant? Pre-planning is the key to creating that lush long-lasting garden bed. Consider planting small evergreen shrubs and ornamental grasses and foliage plants. And, choose long flowering perennials over annuals so you are not digging up and re-planting year after year.

Pick your plants to suit your space and style. Apart from appearance, take into account the height, width and conditions needed for the plant to thrive. Research the plants you want and then source them.
There are some beautiful ornamental grasses and foliage plants that will provide that year round wow factor.
Such as:

They are compact, contrast beautifully and are extremely low maintenance.
Mix these with some long flowering plant varieties, which also exhibit interesting foliage, for example:

If it is a flowering garden bed you are wanting to achieve, try selecting plants that flower during different seasons. This way your garden bed will still be eye catching all year round.
So in summing up, tips for planting a long lasting garden bed, that is low maintenance and will provide year round interest:
- Plan carefully, take into consideration plant height and width
- Think foliage first, flower second
- Choose foliage and flower in the one perennial – long flowering with nice foliage
- Use ornamental foliage and grass plants to fill in the gaps and provide contrast to your garden
Soon, you’ll be on your way to showcasing your year round master piece!
And remember, we are here to help you source the plants you need to make this happen. Any questions, feel free to drop us line.
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